Barry Kirkey answers the following email questions from J The Ripper on the Mr Right Show (he was a guest for a bit).
1. Why are you such a hypocrite pussy?
2. Why do you support a pro-rape guy like Gunwitch?
3. How does it feel that even your own fans couldnt save your show after 2 years?
4. How does your father feel to have such a loser for a son?
He's all butt hurt that Mr. Right still talks to Nicholaus; that just kills Barry, and the funniest part is that Mr. Right knows it and rubs it in hahaha!
He recently took my OnDemand away because I played the private El Topo recordings where Barry, not aware he was being recorded, began to beg El Topo's forgiveness for botching up an interview with him.
I loved his reaction when asked "Hows your father feel to have such a loser for a son"
And he was obviously stung pretty hard when I asked him how he feels to have his fans not give a shit enough to keep his show on the air...hahaaaa.
And Barry is full of shit, he never played the complete voicemails on the air, he just aired like literaly 10 sec. and then downplayed them and moved on to a different topic.
Like it or not Barry, my leaking of the voicemails was a huge factor in your show dying a miserable pathetic death.
...thank you, thank you everyone.
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I think you give yourself too much credit.
Berry killed his show when he turned against his fans and took down his forum.
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Dude, I swear sometimes you act like you just joined this forum yesterday. You should know better than anyone that im just....
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Where can I do his course again?
Oh man what a card to play. its good to hv friends in lowly places; "mauds" of a feather stick together even if from rival "four hums" lol. the_triumphant ones always get too cocky lol. Some will never be lawyers. There is always smokin' guns if they want to play. Some recording just might see the light of day if this keeps up, al least thats what theheroic...tell me lol.
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you should start your own showw fucker. youve been around longer than anyone here, and were one the first modern era pua forum trolls along with iampuhate81.
i remember back when you were dwight44 on venusian arts making the mods over there rip out thier hair. what the fuck happend to you man, you used to be the figurehead of the anti pua movement even before barry, and had some interesting shit to expose, you even came out with a half decent 5 page ebook
that nobody bought, and now you've degraded yourself to making weird posts about cuckolds and shunned to live the rest of your existence in the off topic section, which is flooded by your conspiracy theories and shit.
i still dunno wtf a cuckold even is (but it sounds kinda cool)
pull yourself up by the bootstrap fucker; you were puahate before puahate.
son, I dissapoint...
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How's my friend Tay Tay doing over on VA and Amber Nectar? I used to rattle their chains and all of my threads got moved to fight club until I exposed that religion is a scam and Prophet banned me, cuz he believes in fairy tales
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Are you smoking crack or something, I dunno what the fuck you just said.
Barry cancelled my OnDemand when he promised I would get a month free because his bank double charged me and made my account get over drawn. when I emailed him and explained my subscription ended and asked for the 2nd month, he tried to upsell me on another 6 months. I said no, i want my free month and he wont do it, i emailed him 8 days ago, sent him a skype message and left him 2 voicemails, and no reply.
Fuck you Barry.
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Typical Barry, avoiding his fans at all costs...